Tuesday, January 11, 2011


of course in the sewing of these, Lilli felt the need to obtain Rose and Violet went to Penny, so William, Joe and Lady are going to be auctioned off to raise more funds for flood victims.

Let me introduce William, he's a pretty shy guy, will need cuddles lots.

Here we have Joe, Joe is a pretty cool fellow, not much bothers him, he says he doesn't "need" cuddles, but I feel that just what he tells people hehe.

 This is Lady, shes a very kind and welcoming old soul, she has longer hair and it keeps getting in her eyes and annoying her, but she lives with it lol.
 This is Rose, a bit of a ragamuffin, keep getting into trouble with her sister Violet. she blames Violet, but we know Rose is the ring leader lol.
 This is Violet, shes a follower, not so good since her sister brings her into all kinds of trouble, but shes the smallest and looks up to Rose.
 Rose and Violet, they have been adopted by Lilli and Penny, they can't be separated, so 2 sisters for 2 sisters!
Peeps are made of quality cord, quilters cotton and embellish  materials. Safety eyes and acrylic felt make the faces and are filled with new polyfil.

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